AV Dawson Large Hall Roof Replacement

Having serviced North-East ports for more than 70 years, Middlesbrough-based AV Dawson is a long-established distribution logistics business.
In 2013 plans were put in place to install a renewable solar energy source to serve the large halls building and surrounding buildings at AV Dawson's Riverside Park dock, allowing the halls to be self-sufficient for energy whilst generating excess energy as an income for the business.
To facilitate the system installation, the existing steel roof cladding and GRP roof-lights required replacing to create a structurally sound substructure and base for the solar panels to be fastened to. Midas were asked to work in conjunction with AV Dawson to formulate a plan of action and related costs for the scope of works.
The Solution
The sheer size and scale of AV Dawson's large halls building meant what would generally be a relatively straight forward project became a complex logistical and planning exercise. The halls building's eave elevation is 40m in height, with the ridge level 5m higher again, while the only access to the roof elevation is via an internal staircase and ladder. The project would also require Midas to carry out all works and associated sub-contract works under the CDM health and safety regulatory controls, of which Midas Managers would conduct and oversee.
Midas faced several challenges during the course of the work. The first of these involved management of the numerous sub-contractors - including safety netting erectors and scaffolding operatives - required prior to the roof replacement being undertaken. In order for the works to be carried out at roof level, it was essential to have man safe and debris nets installed prior to any other works taking place. The large halls are split into three sections with each housing offshore engineering companies whose staff work continuous days and nights throughout the year. The halls are generally loaded out with large modules and sea rigs. Midas organised access and co-ordinated the installation of the safety nets along with the hall occupants and the sub-contractors in order to cause the minimum disruption to the ongoing works inside the hall. Similarly, the scaffold works were co-ordinated in the same fashion in order to allow for the minimum disruption to the main thoroughfare around the building and to the port, whilst maintaining and conforming to all of the relevant CDM requirements.
Midas began phase 1 roof works in May 2014 systematically dismantling the existing old steel roof sheets whilst work carried on below in the halls un-interrupted. Cranage requirements were managed and controlled by Midas Site Managers and carried out as Contracted Lifts with appointed persons supplied by the crane contractor. The phase took 10 days to complete and was handed over to Duncan Renewables in order for them to commence with the solar panel installation. Duncan Renewables worked under a direct commercial arrangement with AV Dawson however; they were managed on site by Midas. This included the co-ordination of shared cranage and constant site monitoring and supervision by Midas' Site Manager and Health & Safety Co-ordinator.
Phase 2 and 3 of the roof works were carried out in line with the procedures undertaken in Phase 1 with Midas staggering the works between Midas operatives and Duncan Renewables. During these phases, co-ordination and planning became paramount on site as several disciplines of contractor were carrying out works to the roof. The solar panel installation was staggered with the dismantle and installation of the roof in order to efficiently use the required Cranage and MEWP access, at this time, also, commissioning works were being carried out to the cabling and trunking associated with the power supply for the solar panels, all being co –ordinated by the Midas on site Management team.
Upon completion of the project Midas oversaw the dismantling and removal from site of all of the associated plant, machinery, storage and access required throughout the project. The large halls roof was formerly handed back in September 2014. Including site set up and subsequent dismantle and hand over the project ran for approximately 8 months. In this time Midas facilitated the CDM co-ordination of all on site, managed and facilitated the majority of the main contract and sub-contract works. The project was hugely successful in carrying out and delivering the outcomes required by the client AV Dawson.
Midas' supervision, planning, co-ordination and overall management of the project allowed AV Dawson to have minimum direct input to the works, allowing them to focus their concentration on their own commercial interests.