£500,000 Training Spend Is A Safe Investment

This is Safety. That’s the Midas message. The fast-growing Teesside cladding business is setting new standards as it increases its reach across the UK – but safety has now been launched as a brand in its own right.
Whether it’s fitting cladding within the heavy industry environment of Tata Steel, installing a renewable solar energy source high up on AV Dawson’s imposing large halls building at Riverside Park or cladding an entire building for On a Roll’s new food factory, one priority stands out: Safety. The team at Midas are deliberately revolutionising the cladding industry with their commitment to a customer-focused culture that’s centred on safety. And with £500,000 spent providing the right health and safety training on its staff, Midas are certainly putting their money where their mouth is.
There is always a temptation for some companies within the construction industry to do the minimum amount - to get on site, get the job done and move on to the next project. What’s more difficult - and requires resolute commitment - is knowing that when your employees go on to a job that they are going to go home safely that night. No fewer than 35 people lost their lives in the industry in 2014. Close to 60% of these deaths were caused by falls, a risk prevalent with Midas’ activities.
“It’s a difficult concept to talk about,” admits Scott Ayre, the firm’s health and safety manager. “However, fundamentally there is the potential on any site for something to go wrong. That’s why we pride ourselves on our safety culture, reputation and record.” Safety has its own brand within the Midas offering. The words ‘This is Safety’ are now imprinted on Midas workwear. The commitment to safety is always at the forefront of the business and the new ‘This Is Safety’ brand has been developed to promote and celebrate this fact.
“It’s our branding for everything we do and believe in,” says Scott. “It’s a bold claim but it reflects our confidence and commitment to the standards we have here. We’re already the leaders in the field but we’re constantly striving to go further. “When it comes to safety, we don’t just comply with the law or do the minimum required. We go above and beyond to ensure best practice – it’s what makes us different.”
It’s a commitment that wows blue chip clients such as ConocoPhilips, PD Ports, Huntsman Tioxide and Cleveland Potash. It’s an unwavering standard that ensures success both for Midas staff and its clients. “Most companies put on a show for hi- spec jobs,” explains Scott. “But we’re setting new standards for the cladding industry, no matter what the job. “We win work because of our high safety standards. It’s not a gimmick. It’s a belief system that runs right through the company from the operatives to the directors.” Midas’ overriding commitment to safety has led to the development of the company’s own H&S department within the business, emphasising health and safety as one of its key cornerstones.
Scott comments: “Health and safety isn’t about one individual, it’s about a team working together with a shared ethic. To maintain a strong culture, you have to promote it and the addition of key individuals within the department ensures that this is reflected off-site as well as on. Midas’ commitment to health and safety training speaks for itself. “We believe in providing our employees with the health and safety knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe. Four members of our management team hold the NEBOSH Construction accreditation and there are two who hold the IOSH Managing Safely certificate, equating to 50% of the senior management team.”
Training isn’t restricted to the management team, with the company spending close to £500,000 on training alone throughout its operating history. £350 is invested in training each new member of staff, with operatives sitting the Safety Passport, Asbestos Category B and Working at Height courses as a minimum. Health and safety gone mad? No, this is health and safety making perfect sense.